



21.Once upon a time,there was _______emperor in_________Europe who liked new clothes a lot.

A.an;/        B.an;the       C.a;/         D.the;/

答案:A (冠词考察)


22.At 10:00 a.m.,April 4th,  people around the country stood for 3 minutes in _________to remember those who died of novel corona virus(新冠病毒)

A.hunger      B.excitement     C.silence        D.danger

答案:C (in silence保持沉默,固定搭配)


23. Its necessary for you to explain the reason why you are late _________the teacher.

A. with      B.for    C.in       D.to

答案:C (explain sth. to  sb. )


24.My family _________in the kitchen from 7-8 last night.

A.cooked      B.were cooking   C.are cooking       D.cook

答案:B (过去进行时考察)


25.Thanks to the volunteers' help, the old in the neighborhood _________able to do more outdoor activities.

A. is     B.are   C.was    D.were

答案:D (the old 老人们,看作复数,谓语动词用复数形式)


26. After two years practice,I can finally draw _________my brother.

A. as well as     B.so well as    C.as better as      D.as good as

答案:A (as...as之间用副词原级,draw用well修饰)


27. The old woman was  exercising at the park this morning _______ _she found  her lost cat.

A. before      B.after   C.while         D.when

答案:D (when表示在...的时候,前后时态可以不一致)


28. The manager found _______possible for the disabled girl to work well.

A. this    B.that    C.it's    D.it

答案:D (find+it+adj.结构,it作形式宾语)


29.It's crazy and unfair for some parents to___________their own kids with other children. They really push their kids so hard.

A. compete     B. continue     C. compare   D. control

答案:C (compare...with与...作对比,固定搭配)


30.—— According to my diary, I couldn't swim when I was 5.


A. So could I     B. Neither could I   C. So I could     D. Neither I could

答案:B (neither表否定,考察否定的倒装句,此处为我也不会的意思)


31.——Look! The panda is too heavy to climb up the tree,_____________does it weigh?

——I guess it's at least over 150 kilos.

A. How much     B. How heavy    C. How long    D. How many

答案:A (由答语可知是对重量的提问,How much 就是对重量的提问)


32. Because of his health problem, the old man has to_____________ smoking to live longer.

A.wake up        B. put up        C. look up      D. give up

答案:D (动词短语考察,wake up醒来;put up提供,举起;look up查阅; give up放弃,由题意可知选择放弃)


33.I finally fell___________when the strong wind was dying down at around 3: 00 this morning.

A.sleep         B. asleep      C. sleepy     D.slept

答案:B (fall asleep 入睡,固定搭配)


34. That's all for today's class. If you have any question, feel free__________me after class

A.asking       B. to ask       C.ask        D. asks

答案:B (feel free to do sth. 随便自由做某事)


35.——I really want to know______________________.

——After you read the book, you can know their way out.

A.what can the Monkey King do

B.how Hansel and Gretel get out of trouble

C.when the story of Yu Gong happened

D.why did the two brothers cheat the emperor

答案:B (考察宾语从句。陈述语序可排除A.D,根据答语可选出B)




      To fight novel corona virus, two hospitals, Leishenshan and Huoshenshan Hospital, were built quickly in Wuhan. In these new hospitals, one high-technology( 高科技)___36 ___saving lives. It is 5G technology.With 5G, our world will not be the same.

      5G is all about making better use of the Internet. It will bring us much _____37 _____Internet speeds (速度度), wider coverage(更广的覆盖面

) and more stable connections(稳定的连接). According to Gizmondo website,5 G will have a download(下载) speed of  up to20 Gh per(每)second,____38____4G has a speed

of I Gb per second. That means you can download a movie in just a few seconds!

       Do you think it's possible to use your phone to drive your car? It will happen____39____the help of 5G.It will make"Internet of all things"_____40_____.5G allows more machines to connect(联系) with each other.We can connect people to people,

people to machines, or to just about anything, For example, you'll be able to have a smart home and you can live more____41____in it. You can just sit on the sofa, drinking coffee and control the lights in your living room and the fridge in your kitchen.

   Outside of the home,factory workers will be able to use 5G to control their robots.___42____could use it to follow “smart” machine on their farms.Wearable devices (可穿戴设备)could ___43____information to your doctors such as your temperature or heart rate(心率)and driverless cars will ___44____on 5G to work better.

   A completely wireless(完全无线的) world is coming. Let's look forward to______45______.


36. A.had trouble in      B.was interested in

  C.played a role in     D.was busy in

答案:C(played a role in带入句中是说因为有了5G的高科技,所以雷神山和火神山才能如此快速的建立起来)

37. A.fast             B. faster     C.quickly     D. more quickly


38. A. when            B while       C.although    D. however


39. A. by              B. through    C.with        D.under


40. A. strange         B.possible    C.strong      D. fair


41. A. quietly         B. bravely    C.successfully  D.comfortably


42. A.Farmers          B.Doctors     C. Teachers    D.Cooks


43. A.include          B.provide     C.send         D.hide


44. A.depend           B.turn        C. keep        D. put

答案:A(depend on依赖于,依靠于,固定搭配)

45. A them             B. it         C. her         D. him







like dogs?

Have time at weekends!

We need a pet sitter for our dog.

Time:4 hours on Saturday      5 hours on Sunday

Pay:£10 per hour

Working place:In our home,near Victoria Station

Call Ms.White at0207-9226216


Part-time Job

Away at weekends?

Out for holiday?

I'm 15 years old and have experience in caring for dogs in the pet hospital

Your home or mine.

Call David


46.____________wants to find a part-time job.

A Ms.White     B. Mr White    C. David     D. Peter



47. The pet sitter should work____________.

A.at Victoria Station    B. in the pet hospital   

C.in Ms White's house    D. in Davids house



48. The pet sitter working for Ms. White will get

___________every weekend

A. 10    B.£40      C.£50      D.£90




Dear students,

       Welcome back to school! Long time no see! During the past 3 months, people all over China have

fought against novel corona virus together. Although we were locked down at home, you all kept studying online and did a good job.

      Now are you excited to be back to school? Well, we teachers can't wait to see you, too! In order to help you fit the school life quickly and smoothly, we have some advice for you.

           *Prepare your schoolbag

 It is important to get everything ready for the new schooldays. Masks, textbooks and notebooks are all

necessary. Bringing some of your favorite books and a toy hanging on your bag will cheer you up. As long as your schoolbag is organized, you won't feel upset when you need to find things you need right away.

          *Clean up your dorm(宿舍)

    You may feel excited about meeting your roommates again. Why not clean your dorm together? Share your worries with them and you will find you are not alone with problems, Help your roommates and listen to them. Trust me, when you get a"Thank you" or a smile from your friend, you will get a strong feeling of satisfaction. A good relationship with your roommates and classmates is important to your study and your life.

         *Plan your time

 Always plan your time first. It is the most important thing in your life. You' d better make a list of your daily activities. Set a time on each one and finish them on time. When you finish one task, you can give yourself a reward(奖励). You can have your favorite snack in the canteen, or chat away with your friends for a while. Taking a walk or playing sports are also good choices. "Balance your work and rest", as the old Chinese saying goes.

      Finally don't forget to talk to your teachers. Teachers of our school are all friendly and caring. I'm sure you will enjoy your school life and make full preparations for Junior 3.

Teachers from No. 1 Secondary School


49. This letter is for the_________.

A. teachers      B. parents    C. students   D.visitors

答案:C(从Dear students可知是写给学生的信)


50. According to the teacher, the most important thing in your life is to___________.

A.prepare your schoolbag        B.clean up your room

C. ask your teachers for help   D. make a plan of your time

答案:D(从Plan your time板块第一句可知最重要的事就是计划好自己的时间)


51.After hard work, you can reward yourself by________.

A.playing  computer games   

B.running on the playground

C.having a big meal in the canteen

D.chatting with your friends for a long time

答案:B(根据倒数第二段的最后两句可分析出可以在操场上运动跑步来奖励自己。没有提打电脑游戏A排除;在canteen吃favourite snack而不是big meal所以C排除;和朋友聊天是for a while而不是for a long time所以D排除;选B)


52.There are___________pieces of advice mentioned in the letter.

A.2       B.3       C.4       D.5




On March 7th, Chinese MMA( Mixed Martial Arts,综合格斗) fighter, Zhang Weili,beat her Polish opponent( 对手) Joanna Jedrzejczyk. Zhang successfully won her strawweight.(草量级)UFC(终极格斗冠军赛) title again. Both women are known as top fighters.

Zhang, 30, won China's first and only UFC belt last year in Shenzhen, Joanna, 32, used to win champion(冠军) five times in the 115-pound group.

But this year's novel corona virus made Zhang's training harder than usual. She had to travel from Beijing to Thailand before reaching Vegas,America to join in the match, so she arrived a week later than planned. What's worse, before the match, Zhang was angered by a photo posted by Joanna in her social media. In a photo, Joanna wore a gas mask(防毒面具) standing behind Zhang, making fun of her.

        The photo caused criticism(批评) and was later removed. Zhang said she decided to make Joanna pay for the tasteless joke in the competition.

        Zhang Weili scored a narrow win over Joanna in the fight. Facing a strong fighter like Joanna, Zhang had a hard time in the match. They had 3 rounds(回合). The points were 29-28, 30-27, 30-27. Zhang beat Joanna only by 5 points. Finally, three judges decided that Zhang won.

        "All fighters should respect(p 1() each other in the match. I don't like people hitting each other with  impolite words, "said Zhang after the match. No matter what you do or who you are against, respecting  others is respecting yourself.

    " Now the virus situation is not just affecting China, but the whole world. I hope everybody in the world can stand together to fight the virus. "she said.


53. Zhang Weili won the UFC belt_______last year.

A.once      B. twice     C. three times     D. five times



54.According to the passage, which of the following is TRUE?

A. Joanna is younger than Zhang Weili.

B Zhang Weili was late for the match because of novel corona virus.

C. Joanna posted the photo because she was afraid of Zhang Weili.

D.Zhang Weili called on players to respect each other in the match.



55.The underlined phrase "scored a narrow win"in the passage means____________in Chinese.

A.惜败    B.完胜     C.险胜     D.卫冕



56.The best title of the passage can be___________.

A.Don't Fight with Chinese

B.Zhang Weili is the Best

C.Stand Together to Fight the Virus

D. Chinese Fighter Won the Match and Respect




      Recently,we always see empty(空的) store shelves(货架) in the news on TV. People around the world are crazily buying things like bottled water, food, soap and even toilet paper to fight novel corona virus.Even though govemments have reminded people that there is no need to panic( 恐慌 )buy, people still can't help doing it. There are scientific reasons behind this.

       According to Paul Marsden, a scientist at the University of the Arts London, buying gives people a feeling of control. "When people feel out of control of something, they try to take it back. "Marsden told CNBC. Marsden added that, there is the idea of" retail therapy(购物疗法) relax their nervous feelings by buying things.

     What's more, we are social animals, we follow what others are doing during stressful situations

"People see photos of empty shelves and become afraid that they might get nothing. It sends a message to them that it's necessary to buy"Marsden added.

     Still, it's hard to understand why people rush to buy something they use every day--toilet paper. It has become a symbol of great worry. According to Dimitrios Tsivrikos, a scientist at University  Conege London, people are sometimes not sure about what they should buy during crisis(危机) events. "When you get into market, you re looking for value(价值) and high volumes. The large bags of toiler paper catch peoples eyes. When toilet paper is sold out, the shelves will look emptier than those of other things.It makes people worried. Both traditional and social media often report this, which leads more people to rush to buy more of it.”

57. Recently, people around the world are panic buying things except (除了)___________.

A.toilet paper     B. cars      C. food    D. bottled water



58. According to Marsden, when people feel out of control, they might___________.

A.eat a lot    B. get some rest     C.go shopping  D. do sports



59. According to the last paraphrase, people rush to buy toilet paper NOT because___________

A.people use it every day

B.they look for value and high volumes

C.the empty shelves of sold-out toilet paper made people worried

D. traditional and social media often report the toilet paper is sold out



60.The passage is mainly about________________.

A.why people like to buy toilet paper

B.how to fight the novel corona virus

C. the things we need during crisis events

D. the reasons for panic buying




        Who was the most talented artist in western history? It might be Leonardo da vinci.The Italian was a painter, sculptor(雕刻家)and inventor. This year, we celebrated his 568th birthday on April 15th.

         Da Vinci is still widely considered as one of

the greatest painters. His most famous painting, the Mona Lisa which still sits in the Louvre Museum (卢浮宫), is one of the greatest art works of the world.

         The Mona Lisa is famous for the mysterious (神秘的)smile. What is the reason for the woman's smile? No one can explain it to this day. Everyone is still guessing.

         Some believe that the Mona Lisa is actually a portrait(肖像) of Da Vinci himself! This is because

some of her expressions(表情 )on the face are similar to those in one of Da Vinci's self-portraits. Others might suggest she smiles because she has lost her teeth! We will never know for sure. It is just fun to guess.

      But the new research from scientists shows that some people even think she isn't smiling but looks

unhappy. The scientists also say that if Mona Lisa doesn't look happy to you, it might be because of

your own feelings.

      The researchers showed two groups of pictures to 43 people. Group One all had neutral (中性的)faces. Group Two had happy and angry faces. Each time, people saw two pictures, one from Group One the other from Group Two. Later, they described what the neutral faces were like. When people saw a neutral face after a happy face, most of them thought it was smiling. When they saw a neutral face after a sad face, most of them thought it had a sad expression. Scientists believe our brain has predictive (预测性的) power. People use their past experiences to predict what they are going to experience next.

          "____________________________________."said Erika Siegel, one of the researchers.“For example, if you see the Mona Lisa after you have great fun, you can see her beautiful smile."


61. According to the passage, Leonardo da Vinci______________.

A.was the most talented artist

B.was born on April 15th, 1452

C. lived in the Louvre Museum

D. was famous for the mysterious smile



62. The missing sentence should be_____________in the last paragraph.

A. In fact. Mona Lisa has a neutral face

B. The expression of the Mona Lisa is always changing

C.People with different feelings may see the Mona Lisa differently.

D. Different people may have different feelings while seeing the Mona Lisa



13. From the passage, we can infer that_________________

A. the Mona Lisa is the only painting of Da Vinci in Louvre museum

B. people are just guessing but still don't know the reason for the Mona Lisa's smile

C. no matter how you feel,the Mona Lisa is always there smiling at you

D. if you see the Mona Lisa after watching a sad movie, you may not feel she is smiling



64. If we put the passage into three parts, which of the following is the best?

(①=Para. 1②=Para.2  ③=Para.3 ④=Para.4 ⑤=Para.5⑥=Para.6  ⑦=para.7)

A.①②;③④;⑤⑥⑦       B.①;②③④⑤⑥;⑦

C.①②③④;⑤⑥;⑦        D.①②;③④⑤;⑥⑦






          Livestreaming (直播) star Li Jiaqi held a special show selling things from Hubei province to help the province's companies recover (恢复) from months of being locked down.

          During the livestreaming, Li sold many kinds of products(产品), including beef, hot dry noodles. And more than 13.5 million people watched it. They asked questions about the products, and he answered them live(现场). The livestreaming selling lasted about two and a half hours. In the end. he successfully sold 160.000 boxes of products, "This special livestrearning is to encourage companies in Hubei province to resume production (复工),said Li, who first made his name selling lipstick (口红 )on Taobao and has over half a million fans on many big livestreaming apps.

       Livestreaming selling is on the rise in China. Many new stars are appearing like Li Ziqi and Wei Ya Many famous stars like Wang Han, Wang Zulan also join in to sell products. It's easy for them to promote (促销) the products with lots of fans. Also, it's a good way to make more money. Young people buy these products out of their love for the stars. More importantly, they believe these stars help them choose the best things for them.


65. Did Li Jiaqi sell beef in the special show?




66. How long did Li Jiaqi's livestreaming selling last?


参考答案:two and a half hours,注意文章细节有提


67. Why do famous stars join in livestreaming selling?


参考答案:Its easy for them to promote the products with lots of fans,and it is a good way to make more money


68.If you can sell things through livestreaming, what do you want to sell?why?(不少于20字)






A: Hey. Linda, what are you doing?

B: Hi, Ben. I'm doing my homework._____69_______

A: Which one is your favorite?

B: Journey to the West. The Monkey King is my hero. He can turn himself into different animals and objects._______70_________

A: To tell the truth, he is not my favorite.______71_______

B:_____72_____ Some people may think so, but he

tights bad people as soon as he sees them.

A: Maybe he can find a better way to solve the problem if he thinks twice.

B:______73_______,I still believe both of us are right.

A: Sure. There are many ways to understand a character

B: You're right.


A.Although we have some different opinions about the Monkey King.

B. He is really brave.

C.The teacher asks us to write down something about our favorite traditional story.

D.What do you think of him?

E. You are right.

F.Do you like him?

G. He is impolite(不礼貌的) sometimes.

69._________70._________ 71.___________ 72.___________73.___________




74.Although Mount Hua is high and dangerous,it's still one of the __________(popular)place for people to visit.

参考答案:most popular,最受欢迎之一的景点


75. Because the moon _______ (shine) bright, we could see the roads clearly and got back home on time.



76. According to the panda keeper, there are 8 pandas _________(live)in Yang Jiaping Zoo.

参考答案:living, there be sb doing句式


77.When we meet some_________(difficult) in our life, be brave to face them and try to solve them.



78. Whenever you get home, please remind yourself_________(wash) your hands first.

参考答案:to wash, remind sb to do sth固定用法



75. My grandpa used to take a long walk after dinner every day.(变为否定句)

My grandpa________  ________ to take a long walk after dinner every day.

参考答案:didnt use,实意动词否定,在动词前加助动词,后面动词还原


80 The population of China is over1.4 billion now(对划线部分提问)

__________  __________the population of China now?

参考答案:What is,对于人口提问的固定句型

81. As we know. Qomolangma is8,844.43 meters high(同义句转换)

As we know, Qomolangma is 8, 844.43 meters_________  ________.

参考答案:in height,此题易出错,注意固定短语的应用,考查较少



After reading yu Gong Moves a Mountain, I think ___________  __________ impossible to move a


参考答案:it seems,it做形式宾语,真正宾语是后面的to do形式



In the forest, a witch lived in a house _______ ________bread cake and candy.

参考答案:made of,过去分词作后置定语,(be )made of 由..制作而成




As we know, novel coronavirus is changing our lives in different ways-the way we study, the way we work,and even the way we___84_____.

Now people around the world come up with new greetings to keep____85____,

because the traditional ways of greeting like shaking hands may not fit us anymore. They will even put us in danger, Let's take a look at these new ways.

No more kisses

       Traditionally, French people like to kiss on the cheek to greet each other, even between people who have just met. But now, the French government suggests that people should not kiss each other on the faces when considering the virus. A doctor called Philippe said, "simply looking into a person's ______86_____can be better and it's a lovely way of greeting, We can still see your smile in the eyes.

Winking(眨眼) at others

        Italians often hug or kiss each other like the Frenchmen when greeting. An Italian woman made a video to help everyone fight the virus. According to ____87____,you want to say hello to others, do not hug or kiss. You can wink at them with one eye,____88____.

Tapping(敲击) feet together

     There is a new way to greet others that is now popular in Iran ( 伊朗). In a funny video, three Iranian men meet and tap their feet together. They wear masks and sometimes shake feet. It looks like they are playing a fun game. Since we cannot shake hands, we could try"shaking"feet. It is so funny ____89______more and more young people are using It.

      Sylvie Briand, who comes from the World Health Organization advises people to try to use the three greetings when meeting. Do you like these new greetings? Maybe it ____90______time for everyone to accept them. As we know. old habits die hard. But______91______ the virus situation getting worse and worse around the world, it is necessary to change the old ones into the new ones.

84. ___________85.__________86.__________87.__________   88.__________  89.__________90.__________91.__________

参考答案:84,greet. 结合上下文表示新冠病毒不仅影响我们的学习,生活甚至是打招呼的方式,下文有提示



          87,it,根据这个短片,前文出现过radio 这个词,此处用It进行指代


          89, that. 此题考查so...that..固定句型











Sometimes teenagers may find it's hard to get on well with parents. Fights are normal in every family. It also happens to me._______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________





